Author Index - O

Obermann K
Oesch Hayward I
Ofner D
Okuno M
Olry R
Oosthuizen JD
Oostrom K
Oppitz M
Ore M
Orenes M
O'Rorke I
Orosz S
O'Sullivan E
Oswald J
Othman M


Obermann K

ART Schuster E, Obermann K: High-tech conservation of corpses: the basis for a modern anatomical theatre. The Lancet 357 (9271): 1891-1892, June 9, 2001.

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Oesch Hayward I

ART Ludwikowski B, Oesch Hayward I, Brenner E, Fritsch H: The development of the external urethral sphincter in humans. BJU Int 87 (6): 565-568, 2001.

ART Ludwikowski B, Oesch Hayward I, Fritsch H: Rectovaginal fascia: An important structure in pelvic visceral surgery? About its development, structure, and function. J Pediatr Surg 37 (4): 634-638, 2002.

ART Aigner F, Trieb T, Ofner D, Margreiter R, Devries A, Zbar AP, Fritsch H: Anatomical considerations in TNM staging and therapeutical procedures for low rectal cancer. Int J Colorectal Dis 22 (11): 1339-1346, 2007.

COM Cornwall B, Okuno M, Reid G, Forrest W, Lyons W: Biomechanics of the knee in deep flexion. Annual Meeting of The Canadian Orthopaedic Association and The Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1994.

COM Lyons W, Okuno M, Cornwall B, Bryant T, Reid G, Forrest W: Functional anatomy of the knee joint in deep flexion: an investigation using magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) and sheet plastination. 7th Int Conf Plast, Graz, Austria, 1994. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 9 (1): 19-20, 1995.

ART Grondin G, Olry R: Vascular patterns of plastinated human hands with special reference to abnormalities of the arterial palmar arches. J Int Soc Plastination 10 (1): 19-21, 1996.

ART Grondin G, Olry R: Dissection and Plastination of the Human Cerebral Dura Mater with the Base of Skull. J Int Soc Plastination 13 (1): 23-25, 1998.

ART Grondin G, Sianothai A, Olry R: In Situ Ventricular Casts of S10 Plastinated Human Brains. J Int Soc Plastination 15 (1): 18-21, 2000.

ART Olry R: La plastination: bases théoriques et modalités pratiques. - The plastination: theoric bases and practical modality. [in French with English abstract]. Bull Soc Anat (Paris) 16: 35-39, 1992.

ART Olry R: From scientific popularization to voyeurism: what about exhibition of plastinated specimens. J Int Soc Plastination 13 (1): 4, 1998.

ART Olry R: The Journal of the International Society for Plastination: Assessment and Future Prospects. J Int Soc Plastination 14 (1): 25-27, 1999.

ART Olry R: Wax, Wooden, Ivory, Cardboard, Bronze, Fabric, Plaster, Rubber and Plastic Anatomical Models: Praiseworthy Precursors of Plastinated Specimens. J Int Soc Plastination 15 (1): 30-35, 2000.

ART Olry R, Alantar A, Rajabo, Carpentier P: Plastination et enseignement de l'anatomie sectionnelle cervico-faciale. [in French with English, German, Italian, Spanish and Portugese abstracts]. Actual Odont Stom 193: 19-25, 1996.

ART Olry R, Motomiya K: Baroque Anatomy Masterpieces as Models for Plastinated Specimens. J Int Soc Plastination 12 (1): 18-22, 1997.

ART Olry R, Motomiya K: The 1996 Osaka Plastination Exhibition. J Int Soc Plastination 12 (2): 39, 1997.

COM Boulianne S, Giguère C, Grondin G, Olry R: Plastination cérébrale (S10, P40) et enseignement de la neuro-anatomie. 64ème Congr Acfas, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 1996.

COM Braun M, Lascombes P, Olry R: La plastination anatomique: un nouvel outil pédagogique. 75ème Congr Assoc Anat, Lille, France, 1993.

COM Côté ME, Veilleux F, Christin MJ, Fortin MJ, Olry R: Plastination: a new approach to the teaching of topographical anatomy. Chiropractic Centennial Foundation, Washington, DC, USA, 1995.

COM Durand M, Grondin G, Olry R: Preparation and plastination of a specimen to demonstrate the course of the human facial nerve. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 33, 1999.

COM Goyer M-F, Grondin G, Olry R: A Comparative Study of Three Polyester Polymers for Plastination of Thin Human Brain Slices. 9th Int Conf Plast, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 1998. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 13 (2): 32, 1998.

COM Grondin G, Olry R: Vascularization of the human hand demonstrated with S10 plastinated specimens. 4th Interim Conf Plast, Columbus, OH, USA, 1995.

COM Grondin G, Olry R: Preparation and plastination of the cerebral dura mater with the skull base. 8th Int Conf Plast, Brisbane, Australia, 1996. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 4, 1996.

COM Grondin G, Olry R: The current plastination Index. 8th Int Conf Plast, Brisbane, Australia, 1996. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 11, 1996.

COM Grondin G, Lacombe MJ, Olry R: Plexiglass Mounted S10 Plastinated Thin Brain Slices. 5th Interim Conf Plast, Knoxville, TN, USA, 1997. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 12 (2): 35, 1997.

COM Grondin G, Olry R: Plastination of Muscular Variations: A Case Report of Sternalis Muscle. 9th Int Conf Plast, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 1998. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 13 (2): 42, 1998.

COM Grondin G, Sianothai A, Olry R: Ventricle casts in S10 plastinated human brains. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 12, 1999.

COM Grondin G, Olry R: A Series of S10 Plastinated Specimens for the Teaching of Human Neuroanatomy. 10th Int Conf Plast, Saint-Etienne, France, 2000. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 16: 39, 2001.

COM Olry R: La plastination: bases théoriques et modalités pratiques. Société Anatomique de Paris, Paris, France, 1992.

COM Olry R: Place de la plastination dans les universités françaises. Université de Paris VII, Paris, France, 1993.

COM Olry R: La plastination: révolution dans l'enseignement des sciences morphologiques? Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Conférences départementales, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 1995.

COM Olry R: La technique de plastination dans l'enseignement de l'anatomie macroscopique. Faculté de Médecine, Université Laval, Québec, Québec, Canada, 1997.

COM Olry R, von Hagens G: Dissection and plastination of intestinal "en bloc" specimens. 6th Int Conf Plast, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1992.

COM Olry R, Grondin G: Plastination in chiropractical teaching: critical analysis and place of plastinated specimens in anatomical pedagogics. 7th Int Conf Plast, Graz, Austria, 1994. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 9 (1): 21, 1995.

COM Olry R, Grondin G, Haché G: Plastination of Vascular Variations: A Case Report of a Subclavian-Bicarotid Trunk and a Left Vertebral Artery Arising Directly from the Aortic Arch. 9th Int Conf Plast, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 1998. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 13 (2): 41, 1998.

MIS Grondin G, Olry R: The current plastination Index. Publication of the International Society for Plastination. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada, 51 pages, 1996.

MIS Grondin G, Olry R: The current plastination Index. Publication of the International Society for Plastination. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada, 66 pages, 2000.

POP Olry R: Révolution dans le domaine de la naturalisation: la plastination. LME 55: 4-5, 1993.

POP Olry R: L'UQTR, phare de la plastination au Canada. Actualité Chiropratique 2 (1): 27-28, 1998.

ART Oosthuizen JD: The control of formaldehyde vapour in the human anatomy laboratory of a traditionally disadvantaged South African medical school. Int J Environ Health Res 8 (1): 47-57, 1998.

ART Oostrom K: Fixation of tissue for plastination: General principles. J Int Soc Plastination 1 (1): 3-11, 1987.

ART Oostrom K: Plastination of the heart. J Int Soc Plastination 1 (2): 12-19, 1987.

ART Oostrom K, von Hagens G: Plastination of the human placenta. J Int Soc Plastination 2 (1): 18-23, 1988.

ART Oostrom K, von Hagens G: Plastination of the human kidney. J Int Soc Plastination 2 (2): 21-24, 1988.

COM Oostrom CAM: Plastination, its Principle and its Advantages in the Teaching of Anatomy. Abstract in Acta Morphol Neer 24 (1): 38, 1986.

COM Oostrom K: Plastination of the human placenta. 4th Int Conf Plast, Macon, GA, USA, 1988.

COM Oostrom K: plastination of the human kidney. 4th Int Conf Plast, Macon, GA, USA, 1988.

COM Oostrom K: Fixation in plastination: general principles. 5th Int Conf Plast, Heidelberg, Germany, 1990.

COM Oostrom K: Methods of tissue dehydration. 6th Int Conf Plast, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1992.

COM Oostrom K: Plastination of the hand. 7th Int Conf Plast, Graz, Austria, 1994.

ART Greil GF, Wolf I, Kuettner A, Fenchel M, Miller S, Martirosian P, Schick F, Oppitz M, Meinzer HP, Sieverding L: Stereolithographic reproduction of complex cardiac morphology based on high spatial resolution imaging. Clin Res Cardiol 96 (3): 176-185, 2007.

COM Oppitz M, Kirschniak A, Drews U: Plastinated Organs as Models for Endoscopy Training. 12th Int Conf Plast, Murcia, Spain, 2004. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 19: 50, 2004.

POP Ore M: ARTS ABROAD; Anatomy as Art, Unsettling but Drawing Crowds. New York Times 151 (52174): E2, July 9, 2002.

ART Latorre R, Váquez-Autón JM, Gil F, Ramírez G, López-Albors O, Orenes M, Martínez-Gomariz F, Arenciba A: Teaching Anatomy of the Distal Equine Thoracic Limb with Plastinated Slices. J Int Soc Plastination 16: 23-30, 2001.

ART Orenes M, Latorre R, Váquez-Autón JM, Gil F, Ramírez G, López-Albors O, Arencibia A, Moreno F: Técnicas anatómicas aplicadas a la endoscopia del tracto gastrointestinal en el perro. Imagen Veterinaria 2 (4): 142, 1999.

COM Latorre R, Gil F, Moreno F, López-Albors O, Arencibia A, Orenes M: Relationship of Female Dog Reproductive Organs with Other Anatomical Structures. A Study by Plastinated Specimen. 10th Int Conf Plast, Saint-Etienne, France, 2000. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 16: 47, 2001.

COM Latorre R, Váquez-Autón JM, Gil F, Ramírez G, Arencibia A, Orenes M: The Stomach of the Ruminant (Goat). A Precise View of Internal Anatomy Through Plastinated Specimens. 10th Int Conf Plast, Saint-Etienne, France, 2000. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 16: 47-48, 2001.

COM Latorre R, López-Albors O, Hervas JM, Abellán E, Váquez-Autón JM, Orenes M, Sánchez C, Martinez F, Henry R: Plastination workshops: 4 years experience in Spain. 12th Int Conf Plast, Murcia, Spain, 2004. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 19: 49, 2004.

COM López-Albors O, Ayala MªD, Cuéllar R, Abdel I, Orenes M, Latorre R: The use of S-10 and P-40 plastination techniques for anatomical studies of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.; Teleost, Fish). 12th Int Conf Plast, Murcia, Spain, 2004. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 19: 49, 2004.

COM López-Albors O, Gil F, Orenes M, Ayala MªD, Abellán H, Henry R, Latorre R: Curing influences the tissue preservation of silicon plastinated organs. 12th Int Conf Plast, Murcia, Spain, 2004. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 19: 49-50, 2004.

MIS Orenes M, Latorre R, Vázquez JM, Gil F, Ramírez G, López-Albors O, Arencibia A, Moreno F, Sánchez JM, Usón J: La modelización de órganos anatómicos (plastinación) para la enseñanza de la endoscopia. (Video tape). 1999.

POP O'Rorke I: Skinless wonders... Guardian, May 20, 2001.

ART Henry RW, Antinoff N, Janick L, Orosz S: E12 Technique: An Aid to Study Sinuses of Psittacine Birds. Acta Anat 158 (1): 54-58, 1997.

COM Henry RW, Antinoff N, Janick L, Orosz S: E12 Technique: An aid to study sinuses of psittacine birds. 8th Int Conf Plast, Brisbane, Australia, 1996. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 4, 1996.

ART O'Sullivan E, Mitshell BS: Plastination for gross anatomy teaching using low cost equipment. [in English with French abstract]. Surg Radiol Anat 17 (3): 277-281, 1995.

ART Oswald J, Brenner E, Deibl M, Fritsch H, Bartsch G, Radmayr C: Longitudinal and thickness measurement of the normal distal and intravesical ureter in human fetuses. J Urol 169 (4): 1501-1504, 2003.

ART Sebe P, Fritsch H, Oswald J, Schwentner C, Lunacek A, Bartsch G, Radmayr C: Fetal development of the female external urinary sphincter complex: an anatomical and histological study. J Urol 173 (5): 1738-1742, 2005.

ART Sebe P, Oswald J, Fritsch H, Aigner F, Bartsch G, Radmayr C: An embryological study of fetal development of the rectourethralis muscle - does it really exist? J Urol 173 (2): 583-586, 2005.

ART Sèbe P, Schwentner C, Oswald J, Radmayr C, Bartsch G, Fritsch H: Fetal development of striated and smooth muscle sphincters of the male urethra from a common primordium and modifications due to the development of the prostate: an anatomic and histologic study. The Prostate 62 (4): 388-393, 2005.

COM Sèbe P, Oswald J, Brenner E, Fritsch H, Bartsch G, Strasser H: Fetal development of striated and smooth sphincter in the female urethra: A morphological study. XIXth Congress of the European Association of Urology. Abstract in Eur Urol Supplements 3 (2): 158, 2004.

COM Othman M, Go BT: Our own plastination laboratory. 8th Int Conf Plast, Brisbane, Australia, 1996. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 5, 1996.