Chronologic Index - 2008

ART Akramov EKh, Vasil'eva OI, Gabitov VKh, Omurbaev AS: [Anatomic-topographical characteristics of the pancreas as the guidelines for the surgical interventions in destructive forms of pancreatitis]. [in Russian]. Morfologiia 133 (4): 20-23, 2008.

ART Estaca E, Cabezas J, Usón J, Sánchez-Margallo F, Morell E, Latorre R: Maxillary sinus-floor elevation: an animal model. Clin Oral Impl Res 19: 1044-1048, 2008.

ART Latorre R, Gil F, López-Albors O, Ayala Florenciano MD, Ramirez Zarzosa GJ, Vázquez JM: Plastination: A new tool to teach and learn anatomy of reproductive organs. Biol Reprod 78: 132, 2008.

ART Mendez BA, Romero RL, Trigo FJ, Henry RW, Candanosa AE: Evaluation of Imidazole for Color Reactivation of Pathological Specimens of Domestic Animals. J Int Soc Plastination 23: 17-24, 2008.

ART Macchi V, Porzionato A, Stecco C, Vigato E, Parenti A, De Caro R: Histo-topographic study of the longitudinal anal muscle. Clin Anat 21 (5): 447-452, 2008.

ART Marks DL, Chaney EJ, Boppart SA: Plastinated tissue samples as three-dimensional models for optical instrument characterization. Opt Express 16 (20): 16272-16283, 2008.

ART Pendovski L, Petkov V, Popovska-Percinic F, Ilieski V: Silicone Plastination Procedure for Producing Thin, Semitransparent Tissue Slices: A Study Using the Pig Kidney. J Int Soc Plastination 23: 10-16, 2008.

ART Reed RB, Whaley RJ: Acetone Discoloration of Epoxy Reaction-Mixture. J Int Soc Plastination 23: 5-9, 2008.

ART Reed RB, Helms L, Rowe JA: Curing Times of P40 Exposed to Different Light Sources. J Int Soc Plastination 23: 25-29, 2008.

ART Rodríguez MªJ, Latorre R, López-Albors O, Soler M, Aguirre C, Vázquez JM, Querol M, Agut A: Computed tomographic anatomy of the temporomandibular joint in the young horse. Equine Vet J 40: 566-571, 2008.

ART Sora MC, Jilavu R, Grübl A, Genser-Strobl B, Staykov D, Seicean A: The posteromedial neurovascular bundle of the ankle: an anatomic study using plastinated cross sections. Arthroscopy 24 (3): 258-263, 2008.

ART Steinke H, Rabi S, Saito T, Sawutti A, Miyaki T, Itoh M, Spanel-Borowski K: Light-weight plastination. Ann Anat 190 (5): 428-431, 2008.

ART Steinke H, Rabi S, Saito T: Staining body slices before and after plastination. Eur J Anat 12 (1): 51-55, 2008.

ART Yoon S, Henry RW, Bouley DM, Bennett NR, Fahrig R: Characterization of a novel anthropomorphic plastinated lung phantom. Med Phys 35 (12): 5934-5943, 2008.

MIS ----: Un calmar géant plus vrai que nature entre au Muséum. Agence France Presse, 25 mars 2008.