Chronologic Index - 1985

ART Aufdemorte TB, Bickley HC, Krauskopf DR, Townsend FM: An epoxy resin and silicone impregnation technique for the preservation of oral pathology teaching specimens. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 59 (1): 74-76, 1985.

ART Bose W: Method and results of plastination for macromorphologic studies. [in German]. ZWR. 94 (9): 694, 696-697, 1985.

ART Brökelmann J, Müller G: Architektur des Myometriums, untersucht an plastinierten, durchsichtigen Präparaten. Arch Gynecol 238: 851-853, 1985.

ART Klemstein J: Histologisches Präscreening plastinierten Organe unter Answendung der Computer-Tomographie. mta praxis 31: 159-176, 1985.

ART Riepertinger A: Präparation und Plastination des Reizleitungssystems des menschlichen Herzens. Preparation and plastination of the conduction system of the human heart. [Bilingual paper (German / English) with French abstract]. Der Präparator 31 (2): 69-79, 1985.

COM Henry RW: "Plastination techniques" at the University of Tennessee. Heidelberg Plastination Workshop, Anatomisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg, West Germany, 1985.

COM Henry RW: Plastination of anatomical specimens. Plast. Conf., Macon, GA, USA, 1985.

COM Henry RW: Update on current plastination techniques at Heidelberg University. Plast. Conf., Macon, GA, USA, 1985.

COM Henry RW: Plastination - Technique for preserving perishable biological teaching specimens. Scientific Program of the American Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Davis, CA, USA, 1985. Abstract in Anat Histol Embryol 15 (2): 172, 1986.

COM Riepertinger A: Neue Erkenntnisse der Fixation des menschlichen Gehirnes - speziell zur Plastination. 24. Internationale Arbeitstagung des Verbandes Deutscher Präparatoren, Bochum, Germany, 1985.

COM Schornak MJ, Henry RW: "Plastination" - Technique for preserving biological teaching specimens. Plast. Conf., Macon, GA, USA, 1985.

COM Snodgrass JI: Plastination - A Technique for Preservation of Specimens for Gross-Anatomy Teaching. Abstract in Anat Rec 211 (3): 365, 1985.

COM Wade RS: Plastination - New anatomical method. George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA, 1985

COM Wade RS: Plastination - A new technique for anatomical specimens. John Hopkins School of Medicine - Good Samaritan Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA, 1985

COM Wade RS: Plastination - Setting up a lab. 16th Annual Meeting of the Association for Multidiscipline Education in the Health Sciences, Port Ludlow, WA, USA, 1985.

COM Wade RS: Plastination. Memorial University, St. John, Newfoundland, Canada, 1985.

MIS von Hagens G: Heidelberger Plastinationshefter. Anatomisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 1985.

MIS von Hagens G: Heidelberg Plastination Folder. Anatomisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 1985.

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