Chronologic Index - 1999

ART An P-C, Zhang M: A Technique for Preserving the Subarachnoid Space and its Contents in a Natural State with Different Colours. J Int Soc Plastination 14 (1): 12-17, 1999.

ART Andermahr J, Helling HJ, Rehm KE, Koebke Z: The Vascularization of the Os Calcaneum and the Clinical Consequences. Clin Orthop 363: 212-218, 1999.

ART Baker JA: COR-TECH PR-10 Silicone: Initial Trials in Plastinating Human Tissue. J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 13-19, 1999.

ART Bleyl U: "One must always be true to himself." The proper ethical reservation on so-called art anatomy. [in German]. Anat Anz 181 (3): 309-316, 1999.

ART Dantas Prinz RA, Pereira Correia JA, Lage Moraes ÁM, da Silva AL, Queiroz S, Antunes Pezzi LH: Fungal Contamination of Plastinated Specimens. J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 20-24, 1999.

ART Eckel HE, Koebke J, Sittel C, Sprinzl GM, Pototschnig C, Stennert E: Morphology of the human larynx during the first five years of life studied on whole organ serial sections. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 108 (3): 232-238, 1999.

ART Frenz C, Fritsch H, Hoch J: Plastination-histological investigations on the inserting pars terminalis aponeurosis dorsalis of the fingers. [in German with English abstract]. Ann Anat 181 (1): 69-73, 1999.

ART Fritsch H, Eggers R: Ossification of the calcaneus in the normal fetal foot and in clubfoot. J Pediatr Orthoped 19 (1): 22-26, 1999.

ART Glass N: Banishing the taboo against our own bodies. The Lancet 353 (9171): 2252-2253, June 26, 1999.

ART Koebke J, Schäfer W, Aust T: Carpal tunnel topography during endoscopic decompression. J Hand Surg-Brit Eur 24B (1): 3-5, 1999.

ART Meinel A: Dupuytren contracture: new aspects on form pathogenesis and surgical principle. [in German with English abstract]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 31 (5): 339-345, 1999.

ART Miklošová M: Plastination: Science or Art? [in Slovak with English and German abstracts]. Slovenský LEKÁR 8-9/99: 355-357, 1999.

ART Miklošová M, Eliášová V: Modelation of Atherosclerosis by Plastination. [in Slovak with English abstract]. Ateroskleróza 3 (3): 170-172, 1999.

ART Miklošová M, Sivrev D: Plastination - a teaching and research tool. Folia Veterinaria 43 (2): 104-107, 1999.

ART Olry R: The Journal of the International Society for Plastination: Assessment and Future Prospects. J Int Soc Plastination 14 (1): 25-27, 1999.

ART Orenes M, Latorre R, Vázquez JM, Gil F, Ramírez G, López-Albors O, Arencibia A, Moreno F: Técnicas anatómicas aplicadas a la endoscopia del tracto gastrointestinal en el perro. Imagen Veterinaria 2 (4): 142, 1999.

ART Reidenbach MM: Anatomical bases of glottic widening surgery related to arytenoidectomy. Clin Anat 12 (2): 94-102, 1999.

ART Satyapal KS, Kalideen JM, Haffejee AA, Singh B, Robbs JV: Left renal vein variations. Surg Radiol Anat 21 (1): 77-81, 1999.

ART Skalkos E, Williams G, Baptista CAC: The E12 Technique as an Accessory Tool for the Study of Myocardial Fiber Structure Analysis in MRI. J Int Soc Plastination 14 (1): 18-21, 1999.

ART Sora MC, Brugger P, Traxler H: P40 Plastination of Human Brain Slices: Comparison between Different Immersion and Impregnation Conditions. J Int Soc Plastination 14 (1): 22-24, 1999.

ART Sprinzl GM, Menzler A, Eckel HE, Sittel C, Koebke J, Thumfart WF: Bone density measurements of the paranasal sinuses on plastinated whole-organ sections: Anatomic data to prevent complications in endoscopic sinus surgery. Laryngoscope 109 (3): 400-406, 1999.

ART van Wirdum E, de Keizer RJW, Entius CAC, Vermeij-Keers C: Hemodynamic implications of the orbital muscle of Müller - An anatomical study of human fetal, neonatal, and adult specimens. Neuro-Ophthalmology, 22 (4): 201-207, 1999.

ART von Hoch J, Fritsch H, Frenz C: Does avulsion fracture of the finger extensor tendon really exist? Plastination histological studies on the insertion of the dorsal extension plate and its consequences for hand surgery. [in German with English abstract]. Der Chirurg 70 (6): 705-712, 1999.

ART Zheng TZ, Liu J, Zhu K: Preservation of Ancient Corpse by Plastination. [in Chinese with English abstract]. Chinese Journal of Anatomy 22 (3): 258-260, 1999.

COM Alpár A, Gál A, Kálmán M, Patonay L: Local flaps for fingertip injuries - plastinated hand specimens in surgery education. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 35, 1999.

COM Caron M, Grondin G, Bourassa JP, Boyes R: La plastination: outil d'enseignement et de recherche en zoologie. 67ème Congrès de l'Acfas, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1999.

COM Cook P: Plastination as a clinically based teaching aid at the University of Auckland. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 12, 1999.

COM Cook P, Al-Ali S: Submacroscopic interpretation of human sectional anatomy using plastinated E12 sections. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 10-11, 1999.

COM de Jong KH, Meijer JH, Vinkeles P, Gihaux R: A new procedure in finishing medium thin plastinated tissue slices using the Biodur S10 technique. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 33-34, 1999.

COM De La Cruz Baltazar V, Lyons W, Murray A, Hanlan J: Plastination as a consolidation technique for archaeological bone, wet leather and waterlogged wood. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 35, 1999.

COM Durand M, Grondin G, Olry R: Preparation and plastination of a specimen to demonstrate the course of the human facial nerve. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 33, 1999.

COM Grondin G: La Technique de plastination. Ecole de Médecine vétérinaire, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, 1999.

COM Grondin G: La Plastination: un apport concret dans la classe de sciences. 34ème congrès de l'APSQ, Thetford Mines, Québec, Canada, 1999. Abstract in Spectre 28 (5): 44, 1999.

COM Grondin G: The history of plastination and the utilisation of plastinated specimens in teaching human anatomy. Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai, China, 1999.

COM Grondin G: The history of plastination and the utilisation of plastinated specimens in teaching human anatomy. Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China, 1999.

COM Grondin G: The history of plastination and the utilisation of plastinated specimens in teaching human anatomy. Beijing Medical University, Beijing, China, 1999.

COM Grondin G: The technique of plastination. Freshwater Institute, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 1999.

COM Grondin G, Sianothai A, Olry R: Ventricle casts in S10 plastinated human brains. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 12, 1999.

COM Grondin G, Lane A, Henry RW, Reed RB, Hromis G: Silicone casting of the airways of the lungs. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 30, 1999.

COM Gubbins B, Ford S: Education of a wider community with plastinated specimens. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 32, 1999.

COM Henry RW: Preservation of biological specimens for the 21st century, plastination. 5th Congress of the European Association of Clinical Anatomy, Constanta-Neptun, Romania, 1999. Abstract in Proceedings, 5th Congress of the European Association of Clinical Anatomy and Romanian Society of Anatomists, 1999.

COM Henry RW, Reed RB, Grondin G, Hromis G, Lane A: Silicone casting of the airways of the lungs and the pulmonary vessels. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 30-31, 1999.

COM Henry RW, Reed R, Hromis G, Grondin G, Lane A: Injecting ureters and renal vessels with RTV silicone for plastination of the kidney. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 31, 1999.

COM Henry RW, Weiglein AH: Sheet plastination of brain slices - P40 procedure. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 32, 1999.

COM Hunt R, Bearse R, Brown C, Pang SC: Development of teaching modules for human anatomy. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 29, 1999.

COM Kipchumba PJ: Plastination technology for biomedical research and studies in Kenya. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 11-12, 1999.

COM Lane A: Prescribed sequence labeling method: a strategy for mastery of sectional anatomy using plastinated specimens. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 11, 1999.

COM Latorre R, Vázquez JM, Gil F, Ramírez G, López-Albors O, Arencibia A, Moreno F: Macroscopic interpretation of the distal part of the equine forelimb by using plastinated sections (S10 and COR-TECH PR-10). 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 32-33, 1999.

COM Lyons GW, Mitsiopoulos N, Ross R: Plastination of human cadaver limb specimens used for validation of magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT) measurement of human skeletal muscle. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 28, 1999.

COM Menzler A, Sprinzl GM, Eckel HE, Sittel C, Koebke J, Jungehülsing M: Plastinated whole organ sections and bone density measurements of the middle face. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 29, 1999.

COM Mizer LA: The modular resource center - learning resources for the study of veterinary medicine. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 35-36, 1999.

COM Riederer BM, Dörfl J: Plastination of human tissues for use in medical teaching. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 28-29, 1999.

COM Sora M-C: Plastination and Research [in German]. Alpenländisches Anatomentreffen, 1999. Abstract in Ann Anat 182: 88, 2000.

COM Tamburlin J, Guterman LR, Sharma M, Minniefield W: Plastination of the aorta for use in the training of physicians in the technique of vascular catherization. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 34-35, 1999.

COM Wade R: Old anatomical embalming & preparation methods. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 28, 1999.

COM Wade R: Medical mummies: the Burn's museum collection. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 30, 1999.

COM Wade R, Lyons W: The restoration of anatomical and archaeological specimens using the S10 plastination method: with special reference to preserving the good heart of a good priest. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 34, 1999.

COM Weber W: Step by step introduction to the Biodur S10 standard technique of plastination. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 10, 1999.

COM Weiglein AH: Plastination - a teaching and research tool. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 10, 1999.

COM Weiglein AH: Plastination in neuroanatomy. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 29-30, 1999.

COM Weiglein AH, Feigl G, Wolf G, Muellner K, Szolar D: Anatomical basis for the endonasal approach to the nasolacrimal duct. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 31, 1999.

COM Weiglein AH, Feigl G: Postnatal development of the human paranasal sinuses. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 33, 1999.

COM Weiglein AH, Henry RW, Lyons W: Sheet plastination of brain slices - P35 procedure. 6th Interim Conf Plast, Rochester, NY, USA, 1999. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 31-32, 1999.

POP David M: Expo choc à Bâle; Vrais cadavres en spectacle. L'illustré, No 36, 8 septembre 1999.

POP Edell D: Plastination Photos: Anatomy Art, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3., November 04, 1999.

POP Genoud B: Morbides, ces dépouilles. L'Illustré, No 36, 8 septembre 1999.

POP Müller D: Du sensationnalisme juteux. L'Illustré, No 36, 8 septembre 1999.

MIS Orenes M, Latorre R, Vázquez JM, Gil F, Ramírez G, López-Albors O, Arencibia A, Moreno F, Sánchez JM, Usón J: La modelización de órganos anatómicos (plastinación) para la enseñanza de la endoscopia. (Video tape). 1999.

MIS von Hagens G: Körperwelten. Die Faszination des Echten. Katalog zur Ausstellung. 7. Aufl. [Body World. Fascination of the real. Exhibition catalogue. 7th edition]. Institut für Plastination, Heidelberg, Germany, 1999.

POP Vovelle M: (Article sur l'exposition «Le Monde des Corps»), l'Hebdo, 28 octobre 1999.

MIS Weiglein AH: Development of the paranasal sinuses in humans. In Koppe T, Nagai H, Alt KW (eds.): The Paranasal Sinuses of Higher Primates. - Development, Function, and Evolution. Quintessence Publ. Co. Inc., chapter 3, pp 35-50, Chicago, 1999.

POP ----: The Eternal Body, VPRO public television, The Netherlands, November 26, 1999.

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