English Welcome Page


Welcome to the New Plastination Index web site. This web site is a cumulative index that will include everything published on plastination, from the first paper to the newest one. It is the continuation of the two indexes published in 1996 and 2000.

Each reference will be preceded by three letters indicating the category to which it belongs:

ART for peer-reviewed journal articles;
COM for a communication at a scientific congress;
POP for non peer-reviewed articles;
MIS for other types of work including books or scientific theses.

The site will be updated each month. This possibility offers a great advantage for printed works that found themselves literally out of date as they were coming out of the printing shop. The web site format also offers ability to link to any other site where a summary of the article of interest can be found. Such links will be established as they become available on the Web.

You will find on this site the following sections:

A subject index

An author index

A journal index

A chronologic index

A citation index

A novelties page in which you will find at a simple glance the new additions to the site

An assistance page in which you will find my requests for help when I am missing information on some references.

It is hoped that plastinators will both enjoy this site and find it useful for their work in the field of plastination. The site is also intended as a support tool for other professionals who may utilize the plastination technique as a working tool. Please send any comments, corrections or additions that you believe would be useful for posting on this site to: Gilles.Grondin@uqtr.ca.

The site belongs to you and can only remain complete and useful to everyone with the collaboration of each and everyone of you that it serves.

Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to Mr. Steven Holladay who reviewed the English version of this welcome page and to thank Mr. Régis Olry for his assistance with preparation of the two printed versions of the "Current Plastination Index".

With my best regards,
Gilles Grondin