
The 9th Toledo Plastination Workshop will be held at the University of Toledo, on the Health Science Campus, Toledo, Ohio, USA, from Monday, June 24 to Thursday, June 27, 2024.  The workshop will provide hands-on instruction in the silicone and sheet plastination (P40 & E12) techniques.   Enrollment will be limited to 15 participants to allow for learning environment tailored to the needs of the individual participants and to allow for adequate space within the Laboratory of Plastination at the University of Toledo.

Instructors for the Plastination Workshop are:

Robert W. Henry, D.V.M., Ph.D.

Professor of Anatomy,
Lincoln Memorial University, College of Veterinary Medicine
Professor Emeritus
Department of Comparative Veterinary Medicine
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
E-mail: rhenry@utk.edu

Carlos A. C. Baptista, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
University of Toledo, Health Science Campus, College of Medicine & Life Sciences
Department of Medical Education
President, International Society for Plastination (2008-2016)
E-mail: carlos.baptista@utoledo.edu